You can receive bills that vendors email to you directly into Spendwise by setting up your own Spendwise email address where bills can be received. To set up your own Spendwise email address log in to your account and complete the following steps:
- Click on the gear icon at the top right
- Click on "Settings" in the left menu
- Click on "Other" in the left menu
- Click on the "Edit" button
- Enter your name, the name of your company, or other unique ID in the "Bills Email" field
- Click the "Save" button
After you complete the above steps you will have your own Spendwise email address that will be whatever you entered into the "Bills Email" field followed by (e.g. You can then provide this email address to your vendors for them to email their bills to. Alternatively, if you already have an email address where your vendors are sending their bills you can just set that email account to auto-forward to your new Spendwise email address.
To see bills that vendors email to your Spendwise email address and process them complete the following steps:
- Click on the folder icon at the top right
- Click on "Bills" in the left menu
- Check the box next to the vendor bill that you want to process
- Click on the "More" button at the top and then click "Create Bill"
Once you complete the above steps a new bill will be created in Spendwise and the bill from the vendor will be attached to it. You can then enter any information you want in the bill and click the "Save" button. After you click "Save" the bill from the vendor will be removed from the list of bills received from vendors leaving only those that have not yet been processed.